

We offer a variety of shipping options to meet your shipping needs. We use only premium carriers with various delivery options available for many items. Please check the individual product page for specific delivery options.

Please note the posted shipping timeframe is listed on the individual product page and may vary from item to item. The posted shipping timeframe is contingent upon a number of factors, including credit card approval, the availability of the product with the manufacturer, and the carrier and delivery options that you select.

There may be occasional delays beyond the posted order processing time. If the delay is more than 5 business days, we will use our best efforts to send you an e-mail message notifying you of the delay. In the meantime, you are always welcome to contact us regarding the status of your order. We will always use our best efforts to keep you updated with respect to the status of your order as well. As a general matter, the following shipping costs apply:

  • Tier 1 – $20 flat for any combination up to 100 accessories (End Caps, Connector Sleeves, Corner Caps, Plant Holders).  This applies to the Continental United States.
  • Tier 2 – $95 flat fee per box in increments of up to 6 units per box for the 8’ handrail covers.  7-12 units of 8’ would be $190, 13-18 = $285, etc…  Any accessories included in orders with 8’ sticks ship at no additional charge.  This applies to the Continental United States.
  • Tier 3 – All orders that include the handrail covers at lengths 10’, 12’6”, and 14’ ship via LTL freight and require a custom freight quote.  Additionally, orders shipping outside the Continental United States require a customer freight quote.